(photo taken from Wikipedia.)
Topper is a semi-famous movie which I feel I really cannot do justice to with words.
It was made in 1939, and seems to transcend eras because it's just so damn FUNNY.
As the plot goes, Topper is a banker who is somewhat mousy and boring. (This seems to be an old Hollywood cliche. If you see this stereotype, shazam, something exciting is going to happen!) He buys a car and a penthouse that belonged to a dead socialite couple. He starts hearing voices and crashes his car, and it turns out--surprise!-- they're ghosts, and they're his new best friends. They meddle with his life and make it more exciting, doing it all with 30s class.
Way before beetlejuice, this set the standard for friendly-ghost-couple-befriends-social-misfit. And it's GOOD, even. Normally I find it difficult to pay attention to movies, but I was more or less glued to the screen for about two hours.
And I won't spoil it, but it even had a happy ending. Always the best part of a movie, I think.
Highly recommended, 5/5. If your local video store doesn't have this, try the library or netflix. Or buy it even, really it's just that good.